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Gyre is an AI art and image server designed to enable your frontends and tools to harness the power of AI art.

Powerful. Gyre is fully featured, providing a wide range of capabities including many that are unique.

Open. Gyre is fully open source under the Apache 2.0 license, and based on the flexible and open HuggingFace Diffusers library.

Compatible. Gyre provides GRPC and REST interfaces, based on the official APIs with cross-compatible extensions to support the additional capabilities.

Yours. You can run Gyre locally on your CUDA-enabled Nvidia GPU, in a Collab, or on a remote server.

Check out the Features page for a run-down of all features.

Getting started

As a developer. Check out the API documentation to begin integrating

As an end-user. Check out the available front-ends that use Gyre, and the install page for how to use Gyre locally